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在线展览 -中国美术展览网-中国美术家网在线展厅


        作者:正在核实中..2009-07-28 18:03:07 来源:网络
















        柏拉图(Plato 公元前427-347 年):


        亚里士多德(Aristotle 公元前384年-公元前322年):


        对“摹仿”的解读与柏拉图有不同的见解;艺术所模仿的决不如柏拉图所说的只是现实世界的外形(现象),而是现实世界所具有的必然性和普遍性即它的内在本质和规律。画家理应画得比实在的更好,因为艺术家应该对原物范本有所改进,肯定艺术比现象世界更为真实。 他曾在《心灵论》中说:





        夫象者,出意者也。言者,明象者也。尽意莫若象,尽象莫若言。言出于象,故可寻言以观象;象生于意,故可寻象以观意。意以象尽,象以言著。故言者所以明象,得象而忘言;象者所以存意,得意而忘象。是故,存言者,非得象者也;存象者,非得意者也。象生于意而存象焉,则所存乃非真象也;言生于象而存言焉,则所存乃非真民。然则,忘象者,乃得意者也,忘言者,乃得象者也。得意在忘象,得象在忘言。故立象以尽意,而象可忘也;重画以尽情,而画可忘也。 简单的说,所谓的形象(象)来自意念的想象性(意)发挥。


        凡画,人最难,次山水,次狗马;台榭一定器耳,难成而易好,不待迁想妙得也。 所谓“千想妙得”就得充份想象。

        达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519)



        圣人含道映物,贤者澄怀味象。至于山水质有而趣灵,是以轩辕、尧、孔、广成、大隗、许曲、孤竹之流,必有崆峒具茨、藐姑、箕首、大蒙之游焉,又称仁智之乐焉。夫圣人以神法道,而贤者通;山水以形媚道,而仁者乐,不亦几乎? 一句澄怀味象,道出心灵想象与现实具象间的主客地位。


        古人云:形在江海之上,心存魏阙之下。神思之谓也。文之思也,其神远矣。故寂然凝虑,思接千载;悄焉动容,视通万里;吟咏之间,吐纳珠玉之声;眉睫之前,卷舒风云之色;其思理之致乎!故思理为妙,神与物游。神居胸臆,而志气统其关键;物沿耳目,而辞令管其枢机。枢机方通,则物无隐貌;关键将塞,则神有遁心。 思者想象也,可以穿越时间与空间,于天地间自由神游。

        丢勒(Albrecht Dürer 1471-1528)


        哥雅(Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes 1746-1828)


        德拉克洛瓦(Eugène Delacroix 1798-1863)


        康德(Immanuel Kan 1724-1804)


        黑格尔(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770-1831)

        “ 最杰出的艺术本领就是想象。”艺术品作为创作实践的产物就不仅是自然的、感性的、现象的,而且也是人化的、理性的,总之,是感性与理性的统一。

        保罗·克利(Paul Klee 1879-1940)










        “锈的是盘古公公的钢斧 / 劈出昆仑山的那一柄 / 蛀的是老酋长轩辕的乌号 / 射穿蚩尤的那一张 / 涿鹿,涿鹿在甲骨文里…”








        Imagining beyond the East

        The Trend of Eastern Imagination Under


        Ⅰ.The God is an artist

        An artist has a special kind of imagination to create the universe. So, when his heart is filled by the happiness of art, he can cross the border between dream and the real world.

        The British romanticism poet, Coleridge said:

        What if you slept?

        And what if, in your sleep, you dreamed?

        And what if, in your dream, you went to heaven and there plucked a strange and beautiful flower?

        And what if, when you awoke, you had the flower in your hand?

        Ah, what then?

        Thousands of years ago, Zhuangzhou became a butterfly in his dream. Or, a butterfly became Zhuangzhou in its dream. Which one is true? There is no answer till today.

        Imagination makes life as beautiful as a dream.

        Ⅱ.Meeting Plato in chatting-room in the midnight

        To understand more about art and imagination, I went into a chatting-room on-line.

        This was an on-line club discussing esthetics. All of its members had big names, such as Socrates, Plato, Kant, and so on.

        Tonight I started a discussion of Art and Imagination.

        The rule of the game is defined as every player must act speak under the role from whom his name comes. Thus, I heard the words from Plato, Confucius…

        Not only them, but also Aristotle, Kant, Han Feizi, Gu Kaizhi, Liu Xie came. Most of wisdoms in the history of human being were all together. I wrote down their opinion below:

        Plato (427 B.C. – 347 B.C.)

        Art is just to imitate. Art only can imitate the appearance but can not catch the Idea. For instance, there are three layers of Bed. The first one is the Idea of Bed defined. The second one is an individual bed made by carpenter as the Idea of Bed. The last one is the bed painted by artist as the model of an individual bed. Accordingly, the real bed is a facsimile of the Idea of Bed and the bed painted is a facsimile of the real bed. Therefore, from the aspect of epistemology, after times of imitations, there is the least knowledge in art as it is the farthest from Truth.

        Aristotle (384 B.C. – 322 B.C.)

        Plato is dear to me, but dearer is still Truth.

        He had a different understanding of Imitation from Plato’s. Art does not only copy the appearance of the reality but the response of inevitability and catholicity in the real world as its nature and rules. What artists painted should be much better than the real ones because they should modify the models. Art must be truer than the actual world. In his On the Soul says, Imagination and judgment are different ways of thinking. This is the earliest opinion about imagination from Western world.

        Han Fei (About 281 B.C. – B.C. 233)

        In Chinese history of thinking, Han Fei is the first one who gave a natural explanation of the word, imagination. In his Jielao Pian says, Human seldom sees the real things so that he images them with their copies. The thinking is called imagination. Now, Truth can not be touched but wisdoms can find its profile by observing the affects of Truth. It is the profile without profile and construction without construction. Truth is abstract so that human being can not feel it. But if there is any objective things show the Truth, human may arrive at it using the methods of ratiocination. Here, not feeling but thinking does it.

        Wang Bi (A.D. 226 – A.D. 249)

        Appearance comes from Idea. Description comes from Appearance. Thus, Appearance represents Idea and Description represents Appearance. Appearance may be known by observing Description since the former one comes from the latter one. Accordingly, Idea may be known by touching Appearance. Idea is shown as Appearance when Appearance is shown by Description. If Appearance is found, Description can be forgotten. Appearance can be forgotten too when Idea is caught…Consequently, if Description can not be forgotten, Appearance must not be found. If Appearance can not be forgotten, Idea must not be caught either. The unforgettable Appearance is not the real Appearance of Idea where as the unforgettable Description is not the real Description of Appearance. The process of forgetting Appearance is the process of to catch Idea as the way of forgetting Description is the way of to find Appearance. Catching Idea is the result of forgotten Appearance like finding Appearance is the result of forgotten Description. As a conclusion, Appearance to show Idea must be forgotten. When a works of art is to show the feeling, the works itself must be forgotten too. Simply, Appearance generates from the imagination of Idea in human’s mind.

        Gu Kaizhi (About A.D. 344 – A.D. 405)

        When paining, the hardest to be drew is people. The second one is landscape. The third one is animals. The objective buildings or things are the easiest because they do not rely on various imaginations to show them vividly.

        Leonardo da Vinci (A.D. 1452 – A.D. 1519)

        Artist is the master of people and all of things. And he can add the fearful monsters, ridiculous things, or touching objects into his works. He is the lord and god of them. In fact, everything in the universe exists beyond nature, reality, or even imagination can be saved in the mind of artist to be shown by his hands. He can descript them wonderfully to make people see a picture in perfect harmony like the nature itself.

        Zong Bing (A.D. 375 – A.D. 443)

        Wisdoms know Idea from things. They can catch the souls in mountains and rivers. Therefore, the famous wisdoms in history, namely Xuanyuan, Yao, Confucius, Guangcheng, Wei the Great, Xuqu, and Guzhu, visited the great mountains like Kongdong, Miaogu, Jishou, and Dameng, which is called as the interest of intelligence. Wisdoms’ thinking followed Idea, when the landscapes show Idea. There is a prefect union between the two. His words announced Idea was initiative in this relation.

        Liu Xie (About A.D. 465 – A.D. 520)

        Thinking is under Appearance. In an article, its soul goes far in both time and space. When reading, it sounds like gold and jade. When watching, it shows wind and cloud. This is caused by the imagination in it. If the imagination is prefect, the readers’ thinking can go with the author. Thinking is in people’s mind impacted by words. If the words are prefect, Idea can be caught by readers. If not, readers may get nothing. According to his opinion, Imagination can fly in universe across the borders in time and space.

        Albrecht Dürer (A.D. 1471 – A.D. 1528)

        Centuries ago, the great kings praised painting art very high. It made the outstanding artists rich and famous. They thought the creativities of the artists were almost very close to the god’s. There are various images in an excellent artist. If he can live for ever, the imagination in his mind will not over either.

        Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (A.D. 1746 – A.D. 1828)

        When rational falls into sleep, the imagination in dream will generate demons and ghosts. But imagination and rational should united together to be the source of art and masterpieces in all kinds of art.

        Eugène Delacroix (A.D. 1798 – A.D.1863)

        Imagination is the best quality of an artist. Even for an art-lover, it is also necessary.

        Immanuel Kant (A.D. 1724 – A.D. 1804)

        He tried to unite the rational emphasized in classicalism and the imagination emphasized in romanticism as one of the basic features in aesthetics. He also thought art included the meaning of Game of freedom. Normally, it is art that people put their thinking into a product freely though the actions based on rational.

        Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (A.D. 1770 – A.D. 1831)

        The most excellent capability in art is Imagination. As the product of creativity, art does not only belong to the nature, perceptual, and appearance, but also belong to the human being and rational. It is the union of perceptual and rational.

        Paul Klee (A.D. 1879 – A.D.1940)

        Art does not model the visible things but create the visible things. There exists a kind of abstract trend in the express of drawing. It is the image from imagination limited in the profile has the features like mythology with high accuracy. When the images are purer, more style factors are stressed in the express of drawing, they are not suitable to show the realities of visible things.

        Conclusion of this post:

        Imagination includes rational parts and perceptual thinking. It can be expressed as visible things but is still an invisible way of creation.

        Ⅲ.Looking for the Special Gene under Globalization

        Facing the cultural threaten of assimilation from globalization, by the advanced power in media and internet, Western Civilization is trying to integrate the world into an global-village. Wherever you are, you can find KFC or McDonald when you are hungry; drink a cup of coffee in Starbucks with your friends; follow the fashion of the wearing of stars in Hollywood; hear the worldwide news sent by CNN on time, which decides your knowledge of the world is based on the selection and comments of the anchorperson.

        At the same time, it is much more interesting to discuss Eastern Imagination. East is a concept, which is not in geography but culture. What is culture? Mr. Qian Mu said briefly: It is the life of a country or a nation in all aspects with gradual progress in time and history. Mr. Qian Binsi described the continuing Chinese culture was like a group of people were running a relay marathon race.

        The Chinese traditional culture is the root of this nation and the gene to mix with foreign cultures. Keeping this gene, even though Chinese wear suits and speak English, the thousands of years culture still is able to be shown. Chinese culture started from the wisdoms before Qin Dynasty, and grew in the studies of Confucian classics in Han Dynasty, Buddhism in Sui and Tang Dynasties, Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties, Idealist philosophy in Song and Ming Dynasties, Down-to-earth learning in Qing Dynasty, and Western learning in modern times. It is imbued with the same spirit. The axial trace of the growth of Chinese thought mixed Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism together. And it continues and changes with the passing of time with the soul of Change. Change is the main spirit of Chinese cultural resources. It is not fixed in the old style but not to catch the fashion either. How should it change? This relies on the modern imagination beyond the traditional culture.

        Ⅳ . Demanding Imagination for the Future

        The poet Yu Guangzhong used many old legends in his poem Dinghu’s Myth:The steel axe chopping off Kunlun Mountains by Grandpa Pangu is rusty. The Wuhao Bow shooting through Chiyou by aged Chief Xuanyuan is corrupted. Zhuolu? Zhuolu has been engraved into Oracle.

        There are too many charming myths, touching legends, uncountable truly great man, and inexhaustible mountains and rivers. You may cross the time and space to get them provided you give the rein to your imagination.

        Good stories often go across the border between nations. When Mulan is in Hollywood, she is still the Mulan in Chinese style. Chinese magic Kungfu world made Li An’s Crouching tiger, hidden dragon sweep the international filmdom. And powder, as one of the three great inventions from China, also made Cai Guoqiang’s modern art famous in the world.

        East Imagination gives a salute to the traditional culture to encourage modern people embrace the tradition again, hoping the long live culture can make the new legend nowadays.

        Giving full play to East imagination will help China establish her special mark in global-village as the immortal gene of the nation, furthermore, to become global cultural assets.

        Imagining beyond East with creating world-class art…

        If being dreamed, it can be realized by us.

        By Y.F.CHEN



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