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      摄影访谈:James Adamson

        作者:正在核实中..2010-08-13 12:16:49 来源:网络

        This week’s interview is with James Adamson a photographer, videographer, journalist, rock climber, mountaineer, guide. His website is and you can read his blog at James is a globe trotter, his most recent international trip was to Nepal. His focus is slightly different in that he is involved not only in photography but videography too. Read on for some very interesting stuff from James.

        这周访谈的对象是James Adamson-一位摄影师,摄像师,记者,攀岩和登山家,同时是个向导。James是个漫游世界的人,最近的国际旅行目的地是尼泊尔。他的关注点稍有不同,因为他同时参与了摄影和摄像。继续阅读下面来自James的一些有趣的东东。

        SU: Tell me a little about yourself. How did you get into photography?自我介绍&怎么和摄影“勾搭”上的?
        JA: I’m a 28-year-old mountain guide from San Francisco. I grew up in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and Northern California where I work today. I got “in to“ photography by way of my uncle Roger Lieberman. He has influenced my work greatly with his art but he has also shown me and participated in my own artistic ventures. Our mutual admiration for artists like Ansel Adams and Galen Rowell has helped me form my own take on landscapes in the mountains and cities that I’ve seen.

        我是来自三藩市的一位28岁的登山向导。我在XX和XX长大,那也是我现在工作的地方。我迷上摄影是因为我叔叔。他的艺术给我的工作带来了很大的影响。他也向我展示,同时也参加了我自己的艺术冒险之旅。我们共同的偶像如Ansel Adams(亚当斯啊,牛人)及其Galen Rowell(也是牛人啊,,,)帮助我自己形成了拍摄高山及城市等风景的独特方式。

        SU: Can you talk about your travel photographs? What do you look for? How do you manage the equipment load? 能谈谈你的旅行摄影吗?你在寻找什么?是如何处理设备携带这个问题的?
        JA: I love to climb mountains so that is why my landscapes are my best work. I climb up there to see them and then bring them home to look at later. It’s taken me a while to master the hand held pan (panorama). Many of my pans are 10 photos long. The light coming through the lens must be right because it is easy to over or under expose these shots.
        I don’t carry that much equipment. I see others with large loads but I use two small cameras. When I buy equipment I spend hours researching it on line. I find the best thing for the job. In Nepal I used a Canon G9, great camera. Small, light and versatile it took great pictures. I also used an old Canon Optura 500 for video. Both cameras had extra lenses and batteries.


        SU: How do you manage to mix photography, videography and outdoor adventures so seamlessly in your life? What makes this heady mix work for you? 你是怎么做到把摄影,摄像还有户外运动无缝的连接起来的?

        JA: While in college I was the Multimedia Editor for the SFSU newspaper the Xpress. It was under the direction of Andrew Devigal, now an editor for the NY Times, that I really started to mix several different aspects of news-gathering together. It has always been my dream to form comprehensive and stimulating experiences for the Internet user through the mixture of still photos, video, music, narration and interviews.


        I like technology and I don’t mind taking it with me in to the mountains. I try to take pictures while the events are playing out. It can be hard some times when your hands are frozen. It maybe most difficult when your belaying your partner and your trying to bring home the goods.
        I tend to need time alone on expeditions so its good for me to walk off and find hidden lake and streams that reflect light. I get in the zone when my environment is rugged and highly contrasted.


        SU: What is your next photography project? 你下一个摄影项目是什么?
        JA: Well, right now I’m trying to put together a collection of pans for a show at the new rock climbing gym in San Francisco. The pans are large and its taken time to gather funding and a group of owners who are willing to lend back their prints for the show. I’m also working on completing the Nepal slide show material, mixing media, and trying to draw out a story. It’s been a challenge.


        SU: What does photography mean to you? 摄影对于你有什么意义?
        JA: Taking photos of the places that I’ve been are like a visual journal of my trip. I think that audio, photos, and video provide a sort of taste and smell when they are mixed together. Each component-providing stimulus. My pictures make me feel like an artist in the age of digital. I am deeply committed to my best photos and I’m not exactly sure why.


        SU: Any recommendations? (Like Photographers, Photo techniques, Music, Books, quotes, food. anything?) 有什么(建议)推荐吗?
        JA: In the high mountains use beer cozies and hand warmers to keep your cameras warm, even inside your jackets. Video cameras suck up high so take special care when using these is freezing temps.

        SU: How would people interested in your work contact you? 怎么联系你?(怕有人要给你写情书)
        JA: I can be contacted through my website…



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